Sunday, May 17, 2015

ET’s & Shadow Governments – What Else Does This Astronaut Know? 

What would happen if the government came out and acknowledged that extra-terrestrials are operating here on planet Earth? Would society break down and come to a screeching halt overnight, or would things pretty much just carry on, business as usual, with everyone showing up for work on time the day after the announcement?

What would happen to our so-called democracy if the government publicly admitted that the military had fallen under the control of an unaccountable shadowy cabal, who possesses advanced alien technologies? Would people still turn out to vote?

In a recent interview, Apollo 14 astronaut and founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dr. Edgar Mitchell again gave his remarks on these topics, something he has been doing publicly for a number of years now. He has participated in many interviews and documentaries, such as the widely-viewed film, Sirius (Dr. Steven Greer, 2013), about the existence and reality of extra-terrestrials and secret energy and propulsion systems.


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