Saturday, July 18, 2015

Do Crop Circles Prove Aliens Exist? (Video)

Mysterious crop circles have been spotted in wheat fields across the world for decades.

With no witnesses to see them being made and reports of strange glowing lights hovering above them, could crop circles be the proof that aliens exist?

“What do you think about crop circles being proof of alien life? If not then who is making crop circles?

Sure there are some man made but some are so extraordinary it definitely seems otherworldly.

 Let us know what you think in the comments section about crop circles being prove positive of alien life.


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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Scientists Can't Believe Their Eyes As They Lower A Camera In A Underwater Volcano (Video)

In the search for answers about underwater volcanoes, a team of scientists recently positioned a camera in an underwater volcano off the Solomon Islands made an unanticipated discovery when they reviewed the footage.

“You never know what you’re going to find. Especially when you are working deep underwater. The deeper you go, the stranger it gets,” ocean engineer Brennan Phillips said in a statement.

More with Video and Photos

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Saturday, July 4, 2015

Patent Exposed: The Flying Saucer Of Nikola Tesla

At the end of the 19th century, the most distinguished engineers and scientists declared that no known combination of locomotion and materials could be assembled into a practical flying machine.

Fifty years later, it was declared that rocket ship cannot reach the moon, until Nikola Tesla came into the picture. Nikola Tesla is a futurist man who was described as one of the most incredible yet forgotten inventor.

Tesla has been recognized for the development of technology that we ignored today. Having a brilliant mind, he probed into the world of antigravity and flight. He sees the world to have a wireless and free source of power.

 He described his power generator as the simplest kind – big mass of copper, aluminium and steel comprising a rotating and stationary part. Nikola Tesla’s technological breakthroughs and inventions are so advanced.

There is a recent report by Rise Earth regarding the interesting patent which Tesla submitted, entitled “The World’s First Flying Saucer” with a pictorial design alongside.

The post appears like an illustration of a UFO you usually see in the film by Steven Spielberg. The most striking part is the fact that the patent was filed one hundred years ago.


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