Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Not Many People Know About The City 1200 Feet Below Detroit (Video)

(N.Morgan) Detroit has been one of the cities hit hardest by recession.However, at one point in its history, Detroit had a very large working class industry right under their feet, underneath their city’s streets.

Some in the conspiracy area feel these tunnel possess a far more sinister reason for their existence, to hide and shelter the elite in Teotwawki (The end of the world as we know it).
Detroit had a very large salt mine that was basically an underground industry underneath their city. 
It was over 1,500 acres big and had over 100 miles of roads making up this underground salt mine.
This mine stretches from Dearborn all the way to Allen Park.
More with Videos and Photos https://goo.gl/bBVPTu

Strange Sky Phenomenon Spotted High Above Earth (Video)

In this video we look at an ‘uptick” of unusual sky phenomenon appearing high in the skies above planet earth in the past couple of days.
Something is drastically changed in our skies, for example the strange sunset split over Kelowna, Canada photographed by Terri Knox makes you wonder what is going on.
Terry Knox who sent the images to Global News said that the images have been not edited and locals were ’spellbound’ by the sight.
According to Global BC senior meteorologist Kristi Gordon the split was most likely due to a terrain feature blocking part of the sun’s rays but Blandy Castillo who lives in Kelowna said that it never happened before, and the mountains are there every day, it was something with either the sun or the atmosphere.
More with Video https://goo.gl/YYUsPo